NSF Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MoMS) at SES
The Society of Engineering Science is pleased to welcome the NSF grantees’ meeting hosted by the National Science Foundation’s Mechanics of Materials and Structures (MoMS) Program. This meeting will invite talented PIs to present their research to the SES community in an NSF-MoMS poster session. SES is also excited to incorporate informational sessions about NSF CMMI/MoMS into the program.
We look forward to the science and discussion brought to SES by NSF MoMS.
We look forward to seeing you at the Sunday Evening Poster Session & Welcome Reception.
- NSF MoMS Grantees will present in Whitaker and Brauer Halls, Sunday October 13th from 6:00 – 8:30 pm.
Find your space assignment in the NSF-MoMS Poster Directory.
Poster setup information is available on the Poster Session webpage.
Other Activities
Join us the morning of Sunday, October 13th for an early networking breakfast or coffee break with the Soft Evolutionary Materials Symposium attendees. Breakfast will be served Sunday from 7:00 – 9:00 a.m. in the Charles F. Knight Conference Center Anheiser-Busch Dining Hall.
Participate in a mentoring luncheon Sunday, October 13th. Established PIs will meet with junior faculty small groups. Indicate interest in your SES registration form.
Lunch for registered attendees will take place Sunday, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm in the Charles F. Knight Conference Center Banquet Room.
Poster Submission Information
Thank you for submitting your poster abstracts for the NSF MoMS Sunday Poster Session via the SES Conference System. Your poster abstracts are for NSF-MoMS funded research.
MoMS grantees are able to participate in both the SES main conference talks and in the NSF MoMS poster session. You are able to participate in the (i) oral presentations for your chosen symposium as well as (ii) the NSF MoMS poster session.
- If you have already committed to presenting research at an SES symposium for oral presentation, you must also present a poster abstract in the NSF-MoMS Track.
- Convert your template-supported proposal to a PDF file.
- Submit your PDF files via the ExOrdo portal.
- You will be prompted to create a profile in ExOrdo before accessing the submissions portal.
- In ExOrdo, select the “NSF MOMS Posters” Track. When prompted to choose a format, select “Poster.”
- After completing your submission, don’t forget to use ExOrdo to register for the conference.