What can you do with the “SES2019” Mobile App from ExOrdo?

  • View the most up-to-date program, with session lists and locations.
  • Create your own schedule. Pick out the sessions you want to attend and create your own customized schedule.
  • Receive conference announcements.

How to download the app

  • Download the Ex Ordo app on your phone from either the App Store (iOS) or the Google Play Store (Android), or use the QR Code in your printed program.
  • The installation process will take a few minutes. Once the app is installed, click the Ex Ordo icon that now appears on your phone screen.
  • In the ExOrdo app, go to “Find guides”. Tap “Have a passphrase?”. The passphrase is “SES2019.”
  • Alternatively, you can scan the QR code below with your mobile phone to initiate the process:

Get Web App help

Visit the Web app support site at the Conference Registration & Information Desk, or visit ExOrdo’s Knowledge Base at www.support.exordo.com.