Tearing down walls and other stories of resistance…to stress in plants
Saturday, October 12, 2019
1:45 – 2:15 pm
Whitaker Hall 100
Biographical Information
José went to UC San Diego to get his PhD working in the labs of Detlef Weigel at the Salk Institute for Biological Science and Martin F. Yanofsky in the Division of Biology, UCSD. He went to Duke University as a Ruth Kirshstein post-doctoral fellow to work in the lab of Philip Benfey. There he utilized Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) to develop the first tissue-specific map of transcriptional changes occurring during abiotic stress.
José established his independent lab at the Temasek Lifesciences Laboratory (TLL) in Singapore with a joint appointment at the National University of Singapore, Department of Biological Sciences. He was an inaugural fellow of the National Research Foundation, Singapore. José moved his lab in 2011 to the Carnegie Institution for Science, Department of Plant Biology and was a Staff Member until 2017. In 2018 José became an Associate Professor in the Biology Department at Stanford University and the lab now resides on the 2nd floor of the Gilbert Building.
José is the Director of Graduate Studies in the Biology Department, the incoming chair of the Membership Committee at the American Society of Plant Biologists, an elected member and Treasurer of the North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee, an HHMI-Simons Faculty Scholar and a 2017 Science News SN10 Scientists to Watch. When José is not thinking about the roots of environmental responses he enjoys spending time with his family, cooking and fiddling with his guitars.