Multiscale and multiphysics modeling of dissipative materials


Maryam Shakiba, Virginia Tech

Trisha Sain, Michigan Technological University


Materials in engineering sciences and applications are continuously exposed to detrimental environmental conditions. The environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, magnetic field, UV exposure, and chemicals couple to mechanical loadings degrade the properties of the materials and reduce their lifetime. At the same time, advanced and responsive materials are being designed to harvest a smart response from the coupling of an external stimulator and mechanical loading. These materials usually consist of composites with viscous dissipative matrices such as polymers, elastomers, soft epoxies, and binders which mostly undergo large deformation. Therefore, multi-physics modeling of dissipative materials is imperative to characterize such materials responses more accurately. The symposium aims to cover a broad range of topics related to research in the mechanics of dissipative materials including, but not limited to:

  • Coupled thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical modeling/simulation/experiment.
  • Characterization of degradation in viscous materials under complex interacting mechanisms.
  • Thermodynamics of degradation in viscous materials with large deformation responses.
  • Effect of heterogeneity on the mechanical response of dissipative materials.
  • Fracture, damage, and energy absorption and dissipation under coupled effects of mechanical loading and other external stimulators.
  • Microstructural analyses/modeling of environmental-mechanical responses of materials.
  • Degradation of interfacial properties under moisture and chemical diffusions.The objective of this symposium is to provide a platform for researchers from academia, industry and national labs to present, discuss and exchange the latest development in theoretical, computational, and experimental studies on multi-physics modeling of advanced materials. The mini-symposium seeks to encourage future collaboration between the attendees.