Dear friends and colleagues,
We are delighted to welcome you to the 2019 Society of Engineering Science meeting on the campus of Washington University in St. Louis (WashU).
This is a homecoming for the SES meeting, which was last hosted by WashU in 1969, and we look forward to celebrating this 50th anniversary with you in style with great science and great friends. The meeting will also follow a WashU campus tradition of celebrating new buildings with major scientific events.

SES promotes the development and strengthening of the interfaces between various disciplines in engineering, sciences, mathematics, and related fields. This vision remains at the core of SES today, and it is key to many advances that the engineering sciences can provide to society at large.
About the Meeting
The 2019 SES meeting will mark the opening of several new engineering buildings at WashU, and will feature not only the usual ideas platform for sharing discoveries in the physical and life sciences, mathematics, and engineering, but also several special symposia. There will be a special symposium on fracture and fatigue to honor and remember the late Paul Paris, and his contributions both to this field and to the WashU mechanical engineering faculty, on which he served from 1976 until his death in 2017. Paying homage to the 1969 conference theme of “Engineering Science in Biomedicine,” the second U.S. National Symposium on MechanoBiology will run as a satellite meeting, to which all are invited. But the symposium that you will find most interesting might be the one that you organize yourself: we warmly welcome your ideas, and invite you to submit a short proposal for a symposium by the December 15, 2018 deadline.
We look forward to welcoming you to St. Louis in 2019!
Conference Organizers
Conference Co-Chairs
Guy Genin — WashU
Nadia Lapusta — Caltech
Vivek Shenoy — UPenn
Local Organizing Committee
Phil Bayly (chair) — WashU
Conference Logistics
Tammy Haney — WashU
Program Committee
Sinan Keten — Northwestern
Spencer Lake — WashU
Program Logistics
Patience Graybill— WashU