Physical and mechanical properties of metallic glasses
Yue Fan, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kathy Flores, Washington University in St. Louis
Kenneth Kelton, Washington University in St. Louis
Metallic glasses, as a type of metastable material, have received considerable attention because they provide a broad range of opportunities for property control, and have found applications in structural materials, radiation resistance, wear and corrosion protection, catalysis, magnetism, and electronics. However, their disordered atomic structures and inherently non-equilibrium nature have posed grand challenges in determining structure-property relationships. This symposium aims to promote the development of new concepts and methodologies for describing metallic glasses and glass-forming supercooled liquids. The role of short to medium-range order, structural heterogeneities, ageing/rejuvenation phenomena, and processing history will be of particular focus. Presentations on experimental and theoretical (including modeling and simulation) studies are encouraged. The topics of interest to this symposium include, but are not limited to, the following:
- State-of-the-art structural characterization of non-crystalline materials, including scattering, diffraction, imaging and tomography techniques
- Structure-property relations of disordered materials
- Mechanical behavior of metallic glasses (e.g. shear banding, fracture, softening, etc)
- Computational modeling of metallic glasses and supercooled liquids
- Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and glass metastability
- Structural evolution of metallic glasses under the influence of temperature, mechanical loading, and irradiation
- Emerging applications of metallic glasses or other non-crystalline materials